I know that for some people this look so small but for me this is HUGE
Imagine being the 13th honor for the 1st grading period then afterwards 6th honor for the 2nd grading period
How cool is that? for me that's is very cool because I'm a lazy type kind of person I study only if I'm in the
mood and sometimes my mom needs to force me to study our lessons but I'm 100% sure that I do my homeworks (i do it in school ahah)I do my projects and recite in the class... my lowest grade in the card is my conduct hahahah Honestly I am very
noisy i can't resist to just shut up mwhahah and hello I'm the class president which is very weird ahahaha but I do my
obligations very well but i'm just super noisy ...And my parents they are so proud of me specially MY DAD :)) he loves me so much and he gives everything i want and maybe my goodgrades is my way of saying thank you to him
ok! call me show off but I'm just too proud ahahaahah and this is unbelievable just like miracle ehem!!!miracles do happen next grading I'll do my best to get much higher grades