Hello! After abandoning my blog for almost 4 months (although I know that no one is reading it) I'm here again updating and blogging. Well, for the last 4 months a lot of things happened I've been super busy maybe because I'm a graduating high school student and I've been aiming to get something (hoping). Since our final exam is over and all that I need to do is wait for the results I have all the time to be active and to blog again.
For the past the 4 months a lot of things / events happened
Prepare yourself for Photo Vomit
We had our yearly school intramurals or sportfest and this time it was different because the teams were divided for each year level and our team was ORANGE although we didn't like the color the only thing that we can do is accept it and think of a good team name.We named our team Seniors Hawkstar Elite Rivals, Honestly I don't know it's real meaning but anyway I think that was a good team name . Since I have a heart disease I have no game to play that is why I was attested to be the team Manager (YEY ME :D) Elaine and Kenneth was our team Muse and Escort ,of course they won but after that the overall score was released, 3 days of sportfest and the champion was the Juniors hahahahahaahahahahahahahha. It's ok ACCEPT DEFEAT at least we had fun .
1st place yet we are still very happy
Then it came Seantino's 1st birthday , as for me being the worlds best Tita I was the event's photographer and his special guest was Jollibee cute right? ahahahah (typical kid's party)
My ate's birthday gift to seantino is cupcake tower
literally SWEET
Seatino with his parents and Jollibee
I didn't miss the chance I also have a picture with Jollibee ahhahahaa
If you know me enough ,then you'll know that I really am active to our church and in our Diocese we had an event where the youth plays a big role The diocesan Christ the king celebration, actually this event was different from other church activities because we had games here like amazing race ( i don't really know what we call it) and the event ended up with a high mass :) by the way the location was is Sta. Cruz Zambales

In a catholic private school it is a must for the seniors to attend a retreat. This year our retreat was is Mount St. Paul in La Trinidad Baguio , for 3 days we reflected and learned a lot not only that we also had the chance to have a little tour in Baguio City , well it's not my first time in Baguio but it was my first time to go there with my Classmates .I call it SOUL searching (choz) Imagine for 3 days we're reflecting and praying and doing all the good things that we can do in a short span of time. Nothing is perfect that is why we had problems like our waking and sleeping time heheheh (it was controlled) but the food was awesome they didn't let us get hungry I can truly say that we did enjoyed it and we learned a lot of things.
Inside our Session Hall
I can't believe that a lot of things happened already ,anyways back to the story
For the very first time in our school we had a Marian Camp-in which was very odd because we only did it for one night and it was super bitin and nakakapagod .I was one of the facilitators hahaha even though I have a heart disease Honestly I don't know why they'd let me join this one and it's a major plus that I was a facilitator (EVIL LAUGHS AHHAAHHAHAHA)One of my major participation in the program was being the pianist so technically I didn't have that much time with my friends (BOO) but still I had fun although my mama and papa was there the whole night to watch over me (BUMMER)
Festival of Faith
And I forgot to mention that we had a small Bonfire
I have been Planning for this since October hahah, my choice of clothes has always been a big deal to me I always want to make a scene in terms of my clothes (Not all the time ,only on chosen events) and since this is my last Christmas party in SWS as a students I did put an effort to my outfit aahahahahah, my ate styled me I bought my clothes with her , ok enough of that. Honestly it wasn't my best christmas party maybe because some of my friends are in the other section (BOO! heterogenous sectioning) but it was ok it was my last and I won't let anything destroy my day .So the focus of my christmas party is my outfit not the event itself (walang kokontra)
Coin relay, look at their faces aghahaha LOLOL
Even though it is our Christmas Break some of us didn't really had a vacation like for us student council officers we had an Outreach program for our Aeta Brother's and Sisters in two different location here in San Marcelino together with our Parents homeroom officers and our school administration the event was a complete success and I must say that we really made them happy I can see it from their faces, all of our pagods and efforts were all payed out with their happy and satisfied faces . God Bless them and us.It feels so good to share happiness and your blessing to all other people.Making people happy is the true essence of christmas, not by how fancy or expensive a gift is but as long as you see their bright smile, and happiness in their eyes.
This ends part one I want to make a separate post about christmas and new year
A lot of things really had happened and now here I am trying to make it up.
From November-December (only)